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Secret of the Monks

Secret of the Monks

Italy in the Middle Ages..

… far away, in an abbey, several mysterious incidents have taken place. Four monks have been found dead in one of the abbey’s rooms in the highest tower. All of them had black fingertips and tongues. These murders caused great anxiety in the monastic order and the people living in the town nearby. To protect themselves from devil’s work, they started an intervention: they have started the burning of witches and several monks were cruelly tortured. To stop all this cruelty, one of the monks secretly invites you to the abbey to find out who or what causes these mysterious murders. When all the monks are in the chapel to pray together, you get into the highest tower of the abbey to start your investigation. You enter the old and mysterious rooms… Is the murderer hiding here?

Team size

2-6 players

Maximal duration

60 minutes



Helpful skills

Logical thinking

Minimum age

14 years without parents • 10 years with parents


from 90€

Online booking

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